Monday, November 5, 2007


Tomorrow I will be at the polls as an election official for my county. I will get there at 5:00am and I'm not allowed to leave the building until results are sent in and all the paper work is completed. That usually keeps us there until around 8:00pm. That makes for a long day. Especially if you live in a small town like I do and only 25 voters show up. Usually we have half the town show up on a national election. Next November it will be very busy! So what do I do all day? Our last election day was last June for the Republican Primary. I knitted and completed a whole purse. I also take a cross word puzzle along to work. But the most important thing we do, is eat! We all bring a main dish and most of us bring dessert. I'm making lazagna and probably chocolate chip cookies. ...Yum!! It makes sitting there all day bearable.


Cathy said...

the eating part sounds like fun :) i imagine "election day duties" are not so festive here as it is compulsory to vote so the polling booths are busy all day long!

Teri Martin said...

Only 25 voters. I can't even imagine that. I usually have to wait in a line for a few hours just to vote their are so many people. I guess that is what you get when you live in a large city. Good luck entertaining yourself.